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Paris / New York
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Rome, Gap Editions, 1971, 18.5 x 19.5 cm. (16476 FD)

“Geneva, Pierre Cailler, 1959, 18.5 x 15 cm, 58 pages, illustrations aside; small moisture stains on the cover (8144 ED)”

Exhibition catalogue, New York, Cordier & Ekstrom, 1970, 25.2 x 17.7 cm, unpaginated, illustrations (8145 ED).

JEAN LURCAT, circa 1949
Silver salt print, 24 X 18 cm, stamp on the back

(Gap), Ophrys (L. Jean imprint), (1947), 24.5 x 16 cm, 64 p., 10 plates. Cover with some missing edges. (5906 EV)

Exhibition catalogue, Paris, National Museum of Modern Art, 1953, 22 x 15.4 cm, 63 p., 48 plates. Catalogue produced by Gabrielle Vienne and Bernard Dorival (5905 EV).

Poster for the ANTIC MEET show by the Merce Cunningham Company at the Théâtre de l’Est Parisien in June 1964. Music by John Cage, pianist David Tudor, sets and costumes by Robert Rauschenberg. Double-sided printed paper, 27.5 x 21 cm, stitched, stained and torn, restored copy. (13819 E)

Publié à New York par Castelli Graphics and Multiples, Inc.

Portfolio de 81 X 65 cm. regroupant un texte de Calvin Thomkins, une photographie de Merce Cunningham par Yasuo Minegawa et les 7 oeuvres suivantes:
John Cage, Drawings by Thoreau, 1974, sérigraphie
Jasper Johns, M.D., 1974, découpage
Robert Morris, Sans titre, 1974, sérigraphie
Bruce Nauman, Caned Dance, 1974, lithographie
Robert Rauschenberg, Cunningham Relief, 1974
Frank Stella, Fürg, 1975, lithographie
Andy Warhol, Merce, 1974, sérigraphie


Exhibition catalog, Basel, Beyeler Gallery, 1970, 30 x 24 cm, unpaged, illustrations (1018 EV).

OSIOL I SLONCE W METAMORFOZIE, Cracovie, Sklad Glowny, 1922, 16 X 11,5 cm., 39p.
(17647 FD24)

Paris, NRF/Gallimard, 1934, 18.5 X 12 cm, 256 p. Author’s dedication (MH28/07/09)

Paris, Gallimard, NRF, 1934, 19 X 12 cm., 256p.
Envoi de l’auteur à René Laporte
(17381 E)

The Mars Stall, Time and Controversy Text of the Varlages, No. 1/2
Hanover, Paul Steegemann, 1920, 22 X 14.5 cm.
Only publication released
Texts by Johannes Baader: “Who is Dadaist”, Klabund: “The Dadacracy”, Huelsenbeck: “History of Dadaism”, “The Dada Congresses in Switzerland”, Schwitters,
Illustration by Grosz
Very rare Dadaist publication

THE MARS STABLE, Time and Debate Publication of the Publisher, no.1/2
Hanover, Paul Steegemann, 1920, 22 X 14.5 cm.
Only issue published
Texts by Johannes Baader: “Who is a Dadaist”, Klabund: “The Dadaocracy”, Huelsenbeck: “History of Dadaism”, “The Dada Congresses in Switzerland”, Schwitters,
Illustration by Grosz
Very rare Dadaist publication


HARAKIRI!? MAGAZINE OF THE GROTESQUE, Berlin, 1920 HARAKIRI!? A GROTESQUE, Berlin, 1920 THE BROTHEL, Berlin, 1921 A FAMILY DRAMA, Berlin, 1921 THE DADAISTIC CORRUPTION, Berlin, 1920 THE FABRIC TEARS OR THE MOUSETRAP, Berlin, 1920 Reissue of the 5 Dada documents, Bonn, Reinhard Nenzel Verlag, 1995 (15775 E)

Exhibition catalog, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf Kunsthalle, 1958 27.2 x 19.2 cm, publisher’s cloth binding, unpaginated, illustrations (11947 E)