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Paris / New York
Français 🔻Français 🔻

Paris, Gallimard, NRF, 1938, 18,6 X 12 cm, 287 p.
Envoi de l’auteur à René Laporte
(17389 E)

Paris, Robert Laffont, 1946, 18,5 X 12 cm., 90 p.
Tirage à 100 exemplaire sur Alfa.
Envoi de l’auteur à René Laporte
Annonce de parution joint
(17387 E)

Paris, Gallimard, NRF, 1947, 18,7 X 12 cm, 241 p.
Envoi de l’auteur à René Laporte
Annonce de parution joint
(17388 E)

“Cologne, Publisher M. DuMont Schaubert, 1971, 30 X 21 cm, unpaged, illustrations (16741 FD)”

Paris, Agency, 1970, 20 X 12 cm., no pagination “October contains the weather forecasts from the newspaper LE MONDE for the month of October 1969. The clippings from the newspaper FRANCE-SOIR that accompany them recount the crimes of the following day.” (16711 FD)

Paris, Galerie Charpentier, 1949, 23.5 x 16 cm., 4 p., list of exhibited works (16843 E).

Tirage d’époque collé sur papier, 54,5 X 37,5 cm., signé et daté sur le papier

“The following exhibitions were held from 1950-1951: Contemporary Drawings, John Piper, The Heritage of Auguste Rodin, Sixty Unknown Drawings by Paul Klee, Aristide Maillol, Henry Moore, Max Beckmann, Jacques Lipchitz, Biblical Themes by Ben-Zion, and Recent Lithographs by Pablo Picasso at the New York Buchholz Gallery/Curt Valentin Gallery. Exhibition catalogues were bound in canvas, measuring 17.5 x 12.5 cm with illustrations. (Catalogue number 16709 FD)”

RECENT PAINTINGS 1968-1974, Catalogue d’exposition, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975
21,5 X 27,5 cm., illustrations
Texte de Henry Geldzahler
(17501 FD)

Catalogue d’exposition, Venise, Museo Correr, 1993
28 X 25 cm., 134p., illustrations
(17511 FD)

Exhibition Catalogue, Illinois State University Galleries / Virginia Commonwealth University, Anderson Gallery, 1988, 28 X 19 cm., illustrations (16256 EV).

Minneapolis, Dayton’s Gallery 12, SD,
85,5 X 55,5 cm., papier imprimé recto/verso, plié
Quelques manques sur les pliures
(17525 FD)

Shot of the hanging during the Baj exhibition at the Schettini Gallery in Milan from October 10th to 25th, 1954
Silver salt print, 24.2 x 18.2 cm., annotations on the back, stamp “Fotoreportages/…/Milano” on the back


Milan, Edizioni Galleria Schettini, 1954, Catalogue n°10
17 X 12 cm., non paginé, illustrations
Textes de Beniamino Dal Fabbro et de Roberto Sanesi
(17485 FD)

Tristan Sauvage, LES SOLEILS DE BAJ (Il segno e la parola III), Milan, Schwarz Editore, 1955
15,8 X 11,5 cm., 17p., 3 illustrations
Tirage à 500 exemplaires numérotés, n°107
(17517 FD)

“LA FAVOLA BREVE”, disegni di Baj
Milan, Schwarz Editore, 1955
22 X 16 cm., 37p.
Un des 500 exemplaires numéroté de 1 à 500, n.60
(17526 FD)