Sans titre, 1904
Lithographie sur papier Japon, 75 X 56 cm.
Tirage à 10 exemplaires, numéroté, annotations
Potsdam/Munich, Gustav Kiepenheuer/Hans Gotz, 1920, 24.7 x 19 cm, hardcover, 72 pages, 31 black and white plates (10535 ED).
Saint Teresa, 1967, 21.5 X 16 cm., artist book illustrations (16562 FD)
Collection “The Adventure of Ideas”, Nice, Z’éditions, Date unknown, 23.7 x 16 cm, 210 pages, illustrations (5614 ED)
“(Paris), Stendhal et Compagnie, 1926. 25.4 x 20.4 cm. One of the 80 copies printed on Holland paper, numbered 99. With an autograph receipt from Sade, signed and dated September 17, 1797 (AE2016).”
Paris, NRF, 1963, 26 x 19 cm., 31 pages. One of 105 copies on velin pur fil Lafuma Navarre numbered from 36 to 140, copy number 100 (15569 SF).
Invitation, 1960, folded printed paper, 22 X 15 cm. Texts by Jacques Lacomblez and Edouard Jaguer. Featured artists: Marie Carlier, Guido Biasi, Hans Meyer Petersen, Juan Carlos Langlois, and others. HENRI GABRIEL OPTICAL ATTEMPTS, Exhibition Catalogue, 1963, folded printed paper, 19.5 X 12.5 cm, 2 illustrations. PAINTINGS FOUND BY CHRISTIAN BUSSY, Invitation, 1970, folded printed paper, 21.5 X 10.3 cm, 1 illustration. Text by Louis Scutenaire. MARTHE WERY, Paintings – Drawings, Invitation, 1964 (5959 EV).
Exhibition catalog, Paris, Galerie Rive Droite, 1962, 31 X 24 cm, 8 p., 3 ill. Texts by Pierre Restany and John Ashbery. Sun-faded cover with slightly soiled edges (12338 EV).
Bologna, Edizioni Bora, 1997, 30.7 X 25 cm, publisher’s cloth binding, dust jacket, slipcase, 389 p., illustrations (9990 ED).
The beautiful drawings are in “Dessins” collection, Montigny les Metz, Richard Meier, 1987. Measuring 28 x 21 cm, bound in a cardboard accordion format with illustrations. Limited edition of 180 copies, signed and numbered by the artist, this being number 022 (16582 FD).
BRYEN, circa 1960
Silver salt print, 18 X 12.1 cm.
Photographer’s signature on the support
BRYEN, circa 1960
Silver salt print, 18 x 12.1 cm
Photographer’s signature on the mount
A set of documents
SURREALISM AND EXISTENTIALISM, Invitation to 2 conferences organized by La tribune Franco-Belge at the Georges Giroux Gallery in Brussels on March 11 and 12, 1949
EXISTENTIALISM AS HUMANISM, Invitation to the conference organized by La tribune Franco-Belge at the Georges Giroux Gallery in Brussels on October 24, 1949
ANONYMOUS, JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, circa 1949, two silver prints of 6.7 x 9.6 cm. and 6.7 x 7.5 cm., the second one cut on the sides
DEHYDRATED EMBRYOS, Paris, E. Demets, 1913 AUTOMATIC DESCRIPTIONS, Paris, Demets, 1913 GYMNOPÉDIES, fascicles 1, 2 and 3, Paris, Salabert, September 1947 THREE MELODIES, 3 fascicles, Paris, Salabert, April 1948 THREE LOVE POEMS, Paris, Salabert, 1951 LUDIONS, Paris, Salabert, November 1951 THE THREE WALTZES OF THE PRECIOUS DISGUSTED, Paris, Rouart, Lerolle, 1916 UNPLEASANT GLIMPSES, Paris, Demets, 1913 COLD PIECES, Paris, Rouart, Lerolle, 1912 PRELUDE OF THE HEROIC GATE TO HEAVEN, Paris, Rouart, Lerolle, 1912 FOUR SMALL MELODIES FOR SINGING WITH PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT, Paris, Sirène, 1922 THINGS SEEN TO THE RIGHT AND LEFT (WITHOUT GLASSES), Paris, Rouart, Lerolle, 1916 PENULTIMATE THOUGHTS, Paris, Rouart, Lerolle, 1916 OLD SEQUINS AND OLD CUIRASSES, Paris, Max Esching & Cie. 3 PIECES IN THE SHAPE OF A PEAR (FOR 4 HANDS), Paris, Rouart, Lerolle, 1911 THE DANCES OF ERIK SATIE, 2 fascicles, Paris, Bellon, Ponscarme
Exhibition catalog, Paris, Galerie Rambert, 1988, 24 X 21 cm, illustrations (13692 ED).