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Scratch on film, 9 X 13 cm.
Mounted on a wooden board

Scratched on film, 9 X 13 cm.
Mounted on a wooden board

Popular novel, Paris, NRF/Gallimard, 18.6 x 12 cm, 256 pages. Author’s dedication (MH28/07/09).

ROMAN POPULAIRE, Paris, Gallimard, NRF, 1926
19 X 12 cm., 256p.
Envoi à René Laporte
(17407 E)

Number 3, 1929, Tokyo, Koseikaku shoten, 22 X 15 cm., 266 p., 3 illustrations by Man Ray (15429 E).

Magazine published from 1917 to 1924, Complete reissue presented by Michel Sanouillet, Paris, Terrain vague. Losfeld / Pierre Belfond, 1975, 28.3 x 20.5 cm, hardcover with dust jacket (8892 ED).

Weekly journal of information and criticism, Brussels, under the direction of V. Bourgeois No. 10, 6th season, January 15th, 1928, 50 x 32.5 cm, 4 pages. (lo1)

84, NOUVELLE REVUE LITTERAIRE, Paris, Editions de minuit, sous la direction de Marcel Bisiaux, 2 fascicules:
n°15, octobre 1950
n°18, mai-juin 1951
(14256 MM)

84, Revue sous la direction de Marcel Bisiaux, Paris, Editions de minuit, 1949
21,5 X 13,3 cm., couverture illustrée d’un dessin d’Antonin Artaud, 3 fascicules:
n°8-9, Textes et poèmes d’Artaud, Gide, Kafka, Henri Calet, Queneau, A. Dhotel
n°10-11, Textes et poèmes d’Artaud, von Kleist, Rilke, Ponge, Ernst Junger, René Crevel Rousseurs sur la couverture
n°12, Textes et poèmes de Max Jacob, Joyce, L.P. Fargue, Jarry, Jouhandeau
(15707 E)

chaque fascicule:

A (LA LETTRE A), Paris, Eliane Papai directrice-gérante, Jean-Loui Brau, Gil J. Wolman, 1963
Revue associée à l’exposition La lettre et le signe dans l’art contemporain organisée à la Galerie Valérie Scmidt
Recueil regroupant feuilles imprimés, polycopiées, dactylographiées, oeuvres originales assemblées à la main
27 X 21,5 cm., spirale
Un des 100 exemplaires contenant une sémantème de Jean Cathelin; exemplaire numéroté, n°56, signé par Jean-Louis Brau
(17574 FD24)

Religion, sociology, philosophy, a quarterly review under the direction of Georges Bataille NIETZSCHE AND THE FASCISTS, double issue, January 21, 1937; missing cover DIONYSOS, no. 3-4, July 1937; stains, some corner defects (12152 E).

Philosophy and Art Notebooks, 1920-1922, 12 notebooks bound in 2 volumes. Complete collection of this magazine published in Paris under the direction of Florent Fels and Marcel Sauvage.

ACTION, Philosophy and Art Notebook, Complete Collection, Paris, Jean-Michel Place, 1999, 24.5 x 19.5 cm, cloth binding with publisher’s jacket, Reissue (9909 EM).

International monthly review, Paris, published by José Corti, May to August 1933, 4 issues in 3 parts. Complete collection of this review edited by Pauline Torry. Texts by Soupault, Gertrude Stein, Maiakovsky, Ribemont Dessaignes, Drieu la Rochelle. Reproductions of works by Miro, Hélion, Pevsner, Seligman, Arp…

Monthly illustrated review of literature and the arts in their relation to science and medicine, published in Paris. 11 volumes: July-August 1952, May 1957, February 1958, October 1958, January 1960, May-June 1961, September-October 1961, November 1961, December 1962, April 1963, June-July 1963 (13621 E).

Magazine directed by Francis Dumont, 3 issues. No. 3, September 1946 No. 7, March 1947 No. 8, November 1947 (14242 MM) Price per issue: