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THE RED FRONT, Translated by E.E. Cummings, Chapel Hill, Contempo, (1933), 25 X 17,5 cm.
Manque en bas à droite au premier plat de couverture
(17637 FD24)

Metamorphoses collection, Paris, Gallimard, 1942, 19 x 14 cm, 80 pages. Faded cover, foxing (10541 E).

Aurillac, National Committee of Intellectuals, 1944, 2nd edition, 19 X 13.5 cm, 32 p., with insertion butterfly (LO1) (10829 E).

Alger, Editions de la revue Fontaine, 1944, 22.5 X 14.3 cm, 66 p. (11755 E)

Collection Le petit écrasons, n°4, Paris, Le terrain vague, 1966 (14035 CH)

Collection “The Little Crushes”, No. 4, Paris, The vacant lot, 1966 (14035 CH)

Tract, Paris, 15 décembre 1967, 25 X 19 cm., papier rose imprimé recto-verso
(14042 CH)

Pascal Claude, MIRACLE SMITH
Collection Le lézard bleu, Illustrations de Armand, Les Editions Coaraze, 1955, 19,5 X 13,2 cm., 30p., illustrations
Exemplaire n°137
Envoi manuscrit pour Paul Destribats avec un petit dessin au crayon rouge sur la page de garde
(16463 FD)

FAMILIAR UTENSILS, Exhibition Catalogue, Paris, Galerie Sonnabend, 1969, 13 X 10 cm, Illustrations (5233 5237 5238)

New York, Harry N. Abrams, Inc. / Paris, Pierre Horay, no date specified, 28 x 30 cm, hardcover, dust jacket, 200 pages, illustrations (12943 EV).

Original drypoint created by Arman for Renault on the occasion of the new year 1981, 11 X 17 cm. Collection of Art and Industry Research, n°1 Print run of a thousand copies (15738 E)

Collection Mains et merveilles, Paris, Editions de la différence, 1987, 27.5 x 29.5 cm, hardcover, 397 pages, illustrations, slipcase. Partially detached spine (643 ED).

Paris, Enrico Navarra Gallery, 1997. Size 29 x 24 cm, 143 pages with illustrations (15263 E).

Francis Picabia’s artwork titled “The Dance at the Spring” was a postcard exhibited in New York City as part of the Association of American Painters and Sculptors / International Exhibition of Modern Art in 1913. The dimensions of the postcard are 14.2 x 9.2 cm.

Constantin Brancusi, A MUSE, Postcard, New York, Association of American Painters and Sculptors / International Exhibition of Modern Art, 1913, 14.2 x 9.2 cm.

“Dada Performance at the Theatre of Circumstance Fascicle, part of the series published under the direction of Richad Tialans in Liège by ALMA Editions, undated (circa 1967), 27.5 X 21.5 cm., multi-copied pages bound together by a yellow ribbon and a 25 cent piece. Contains the text “Dada Unblocking” by Noël Arnaud (14153 E).”

Exhibition catalog, Toulouse, Modern and Contemporary Art Space, 1997, 28 x 21 cm., 75 pages, illustrations (16693 FD).